2021 EVH Wolfgang Special
Pickups: Stock EVH pickups
Fretboard: Ebony
Neck: Maple
Body: Basswood
Nut: EVH Floyd Rose Locking
Bridge: EVH Floyd Rose
Colour: Stealth Black
Country of Origin: Mexico
Weight: ?kg
This was a gift from some friends for a milestone birthday. It just so happened to almost coincide with the death of EVH, so a friend and I both got Stealth Wolfgangs to honour one of the greatest to every pick up the instrument. I'm glad I got it and at first I was not sure about the colour but it turned out to be great. Fitting to be dressed in all black to see EVH off to that great gig in the sky anyway!
This is the first guitar I've owned with an ebony board. They are quite nice and I love the look of them more than anything. I have a feeling this won't be the last guitar that I get with that type of fretboard.
Tone-wise, it is very much a rock guitar IMO. That's fine though and that's why we purchase multiple guitars I guess. People have noted that the neck pickup is not that useful as it is too much of a round, muddy sound. I don't find it to be too bad though...
The feel of the guitar is great...the matte finish on the neck is awesome, the overall length is much shorter (same scale length but the shorter body makes it feel small). When I first got it I thought it was a bit of a neck diver but I have since gotten used to it. The matte finish on the body also felt a bit strange to me at first but it is not something that bothers me these days.
QA and construction on these things are impressive...I don't remember seeing tolerances that tight on normal fenders. the neck fits perfectly snug into the neck pocket, and now I'm curious to check out other MIM Fenders from the same factory. They've done well here.
This is one of the very few guitars I've gotten new...and I have to admit it is nice to be the first and only owner of any guitar - but I think especially with the matte ones, because they will wear out very quickly. That body finish will have shiny spots in no-time, in fact I am already starting to see the effects of my use in 1 week. I don't really mind it though, I guess if you got it second hand you might be less precious with it.
Jobs/Upgrades to be done:
Upgrades done:
Trem Arm to Schaller
Sustain Block to bigger brass Floyd Rose

EVH Wolfgang Special Stealth Black

EVH Wolfgang Special Stealth Black

EVH Wolfgang Special Stealth Black

EVH Wolfgang Special Stealth Black

EVH Wolfgang Special Stealth Black

EVH Wolfgang Special Stealth Black

EVH Wolfgang Special Stealth Black

EVH Wolfgang Special Stealth Black

EVH Wolfgang Special Stealth Black