I'm Alex. I like guitars - playing them, setting them up, modifying them, assembling them....
I've set this page up for a number of reasons:
1. To photograph and document the guitars that I own and love
2. To document the set-ups and mods on each guitar for my own future reference
3. To share information that I've learned on each model from owning them and playing them
The opinions on this site are merely that - my opinions. They are based on information that I believe to be true. I may be wrong - please feel free to contact me, correct me and argue with me about it. I hope to learn more about my guitars through anyone who owns the same model that is willing to share information with me.
I am a typical, average guitarist. I play mostly blues and rock - some country and some jazz. I don't really restrict myself to any genre - I play whatever I like and whatever I'm able to. My (many) guitar heroes range from Page and Beck, to Benson and Krantz, to Gatton and Lee.
Tone-wise, I find myself to be a treble-phobe. I spend most of my tone-tweaking time trying to tame the high end. I love strats and teles for their clarity and twang, and I especially like playing them without a pick - but I find the bridge positions to be overly ice-picky (especially the Strat in vintage wiring). Having not played in a band for a while and hence not needing to cut through a drummer and a bass player, my appreciation for high end has waned. Don't judge me. Or do, what do I care.