The slow updates recently have been due to a long-ish break that I took to visit Thailand (Bangkok) and Malaysia (Penang). While over there I took the opportunity to visit some guitar shops that were available. These are some of my thoughts on what I found:
Rock Planet
L4, CentralWorld Shopping Mall
Cosy store inside of a shopping centre. The staff were friendly and said hello, but did not offer assistance probably because I did not look like I was particularly interested in any one guitar or pedal. Their guitar selection is decent with some Fender/Squier, Tom Anderson, Nash, Guild and an acoustic section. Interestingly there was a line of PRS knockoffs as well, although I'm I don't recall what they were named.
There was a huge selection of pedals in stock including a lot of high end boutique stuff. There were about 4-5 decent sized displays of pedals scattered around the shop.
Amps - huge selection of Orange amps.
Overall I would recommend this place just for the pedals, if you are into that sort of thing. The guitars here were not my thing and I didn't ask to try any of them.
Staff - ★★★
Guitars - ★★★
Pedals - ★★★★★
Amps - ★★★★
Guitar Room
L4, CentralWorld Shopping Mall
A little smaller than Rock Planet and situated on the same floor of the same shopping complex. They seemed to specialise in acoustics and a few PRS acoustics. Looked like a very clean and well spaced out shop. The staff exchanged smiles but did not approach me, I think maybe because of the language barrier more than anything.
I don't actually remember seeing any pedals there but there may have been a few that I missed. There were definitely a few stands with accessories but I don't recall there being any pedals.
Staff - ★★★
Guitars - ★★
Pedals - ★
Amps - ★★

Strings Shop
The Emporio Place, Sukhumvit 24
This is a 2 level shop, with the lower level housing acoustics and some semi acoustics and the top level housing all of the electric guitar goodies.
Quite simply, this is the best guitar store I've ever visited in Asia.
Staff were friendly and helpful. They wipe down all guitars after you have tried them. Strings on ALL guitars were immaculate. The space was warm and inviting, with minimal clutter. You can tell that whoever is in charge has taken pride in presenting and maintaining this space.
The guitars stocked were also great: Duesenberg, Rickenbacker, John Page (best strat style guitar I've ever played), Fano...
They have got a couple of cabinets lined up against the wall for pedal displays. They had quite a decent selection of pedals, but I think they seemed to go for lines that set them apart from other stores rather than having a great variety. As an example I had the opportunity to try the Dover Drive by Lovepedal/Hermida which is not something that is usually stocked in Australia let alone Asia.
Similarly for the amps, they had more boutique brands rather than your Fender/Marshalls. Available to try were Tone Kings, Morgans, Friedmans etc.
Overall I had a fantastic experience in this store and would highly recommend it.
Staff - ★★★★★
Guitars - ★★★★★
Pedals - ★★★★
Amps - ★★★★★
Bentley Music
L5, Gurney Paragon Shopping Mall
A shop that I am well familiar with, having met one or two fine guitarists here on my travels.
The staff here I've found to be excellent. There have always been enough sales people on the floor to give you any assistance that you need. Most, if not all of them, are very friendly and helpful and are working musicians themselves.
Guitar selection is very good. They stock a range of Fenders (although they will not be getting any more in, from what I hear), PRS, Suhr, Ibanez, Music Man (including the cheaper Sterling range). My only criticism with their guitars is that a lot of them are sporting rusty strings. Come on guys, wipe em down!
They have a full display of pedals, stocking Electro Harmonix, Ibanez, Suhr, Dunlop. Not the best selection I've seen but still there's enough variety there to give you a decent setup.
Last time I was there I saw some Mesa amplifiers, they definitely had some Fenders on the floor too.
I come here every time I'm in Penang and it is always a pleasant visit. The staff I used to know are no longer there but the new faces are just as capable and enthusiastic.
Staff - ★★★★★
Guitars - ★★★★
Pedals - ★★★
Amps - ★★★
Spectrum Music
396-B, Level 2, Wayton Court, Jalan Burma, George Town
Another cosy shop that seems to be well staffed. Had the pleasure of dealing with the owner Daniel, and one of his shop assistants Iggy.
To be honest the electric guitar, amp and pedal stock was not great, however they did have a wall of acoustic guitars that had a few interesting Sigmas. The owner also sells second hand stock so you really have to check regularly to see what is on offer.
I had a great experience at this place and would recommend it, but set your expectations accordingly because their stock is limited.
Staff - ★★★★★
Guitars - ★★
Pedals - ★
Amps - ★★