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Update: Pimping the PRS
So how do you improve on this guitar? Well, besides getting rid of the rotary switch and installing a push/push pot system for coil taps,...
Alex S
Jul 13, 2015
2 min read
Pimping the PRS
So how do you improve on this guitar? Well, besides getting rid of the rotary switch and installing a push/push pot system for coil taps,...
Alex S
May 28, 2015
2 min read
2012 Gibson Les Paul 58 Reissue
1978 Greco SE-1000
1982 Epiphone Matsumoku Les Paul "Ren"
1982 Epiphone Matsumoku Les Paul "Stimpy
1995 Epiphone Les Paul
1996 Fender AVRI '52 Telecaster
1991 PRS Custom 24
2003 Fender Japan ST57 Stratocaster
Mary Kaye Inspired FrankenStrat
'62 Inspired Sonic Blue Partscaster
'62 Inspired 3 Tone Sunburst Partscaster
1997 Parker Fly Deluxe
2018 FGN BOS-M
1999 Takamine EG350SC NS
2006 Squier Affinity P Bass
2014 Tokai LSS-124 SYW
2018 Gretsch Electromatic G5420TG
1992 Fernandes FR 95S
2021 EVH Wolfgang Special
1974 Greco SA-500
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